Manuel Cebrian
6 min readAug 11, 2021


Created by Daniel Sax (sax@mpib-berlin.mpg.de) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly highlighted our need to better understand and respond to emergent threats that can rapidly spread through networks. From biological attacks to misinformation campaigns, these complex threats demand swift, effective action. But how can we categorize and respond to such diverse challenges? This article introduces a heuristic framework for classifying emergent network threats, offering a practical tool for emergency responders, policymakers, and security analysts.

Our framework categorizes threats into seven types: Time-critical, Early-Warning and Response Systems, Containable, Enders, Dragon Kings, Black Elephants, and Black Swans. Each type is characterized by its eradicability (how easily it can be neutralized) and its evolution over time. This classification provides a nuanced understanding of the diverse challenges we face in our interconnected world.

Containable threats and Black Elephants are typically more efficiently dealt with by emergency response institutions. Early-warning and Response Systems, Dragon Kings, and Black Swans are the domain where automated computational warning Systems perform best. Below the critical threshold, neither Institutions nor Automated Computational Systems may be able to provide fast and powerful enough solutions. Created by Daniel Sax (sax@mpib-berlin.mpg.de) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Time-critical threats can be effectively addressed only within a specific, often short, time frame. These threats require immediate attention and swift action to prevent them from evolving into more severe forms. Early-Warning and Response Systems can be eradicated if detected and addressed early. The effectiveness of these systems often determines whether a threat can be contained or if it will escalate. Containable threats can be managed even at mature stages through targeted interventions. These threats are often manageable through policy interventions, network control measures, or other targeted strategies.

Enders represent the most severe category in our framework. These are non-stoppable threats where damage is limited only by the threat’s intrinsic features. Once an Ender threat begins, it is extremely difficult or impossible to halt its progression. Dragon Kings, also known as “Grey Swans,” are predictable early with sophisticated systems. These threats can be anticipated and potentially mitigated if the right detection mechanisms are in place. Black Elephants are easily detectable threats that become non-eradicable at mature stages. These are often obvious in hindsight but challenging to address once they’ve fully developed. Finally, Black Swans are characterized by retrospective, but not prospective, predictability. These events are often rationalized in hindsight but were not anticipated before their occurrence.

One of the biggest risks in threat management is misdiagnosing the type of threat we face. This can lead to ineffective resource allocation and failed containment efforts. Understanding the distinct characteristics of each threat type is crucial for implementing appropriate response strategies.

Created by Daniel Sax (sax@mpib-berlin.mpg.de) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Consider how this framework applies to real-world scenarios. In the case of pandemics, understanding transmission rates, incubation periods, and population densities is crucial to identify whether we’re dealing with a Time-critical threat or an Early-Warning and Response System type. For sociopolitical polarization, tracking early warning signs like increased hate speech and echo chambers can help determine if we’re facing a potential Dragon King or a slowly evolving Black Elephant. In cybersecurity, developing a comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities, threat actors, and attack vectors is essential for distinguishing between Containable threats and potential Enders.

The framework also has implications for how we approach threat mitigation. It suggests that in some cases, redesigning the network structure of the system being secured may be more effective than investing in complex early-warning systems. For instance, it may be less burdensome to alter the nature of a threat (making it Containable) than to invest large resources in sophisticated early-warning systems for a potential Dragon King type of threat.

Created by Daniel Sax (sax@mpib-berlin.mpg.de) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

By focusing on the time-criticality of threats and their potential trajectories, we can design more efficient strategies for threat mitigation. This approach enables us to develop more targeted response strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and make better-informed decisions about when and how to intervene.

As we face increasingly complex challenges in our interconnected world, this heuristic framework offers a structured approach to understanding and addressing emergent network threats. By categorizing threats based on their characteristics and potential trajectories, we provide a valuable tool for analysts, policymakers, and security professionals. The future of crisis management lies in our ability to quickly and accurately identify the nature of emerging threats and respond accordingly.

How might this framework change your approach to risk management in your field?

Created by Daniel Sax (sax@mpib-berlin.mpg.de) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.


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Special thanks to Daniel Sax and Jürgen Rossbach for graphical design support, Jonathan Simons for editing support, and Albert Vazquez for key insights. I also want to acknowledge the contributions of OpenAI’s GPT-4, and Anthropic’s Claude, which provided valuable editorial assistance in the writing of this article.



Manuel Cebrian
Manuel Cebrian

Written by Manuel Cebrian

I love exploring science and art, with a special thrill for the mysterious and eerie

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